JLT Mobile Computers
Analyst CertificationI/We, Simon Granath, the author(s) of this report, certify that not withstanding the existence of any such potential conflicts of interests referred to below, the views expressed in this report accurately reflect my/our personal view about the companies and securities covered in this report. I/We further certify that I/We have not been, nor am/are or will be, receiving direct or indirect compensation related to the specific recommendations or views contained in this report.
Analyst valuation methodsABG Sundal Collier analysts may publish valuation ranges for stocks covered under Company Sponsored Research. These valuation ranges rely on various valuation methods. One of the most frequently used methods is the valuation of a company by calculation of that company's discounted cash flow (DCF). Another valuation method is the analysis of a company's return on capital employed relative to its cost of capital. Finally, the analysts may analyse various valuation multiples (e.g. the P/E multiples and the E2V/EBITDA multiples) relative to global industry peers. In special cases, particularly for property companies and investment companies, the ratio of price to net asset value is considered. Valuation ranges may be changed when earnings and cash flow forecasts are changed. They may also be changed when the underlying value of a company's assets changes (in the cases of investment companies, property companies or insurance companies) or when factors impacting the required rate of return change.
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ABG Sundal Collier is engaged in providing liquidity in JLT Mobile Computers's securities at the time of this report's publication.
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This research report does not, and does not attempt to contain everything material that there is to be said about JLT Mobile Computers.
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