CTT Systems develops climate control products for aircraft, including dehumidification systems to prevent condensation and humidifiers for crew and passenger wellbeing. CTT’s products are offered on the Boeing 787 and 777X as well as the Airbus A380 and A350. The company holds a majority market share within both dehumidification and humidification products and is a tier-1 supplier to the Boeing 787 and 777X.
The high profitability in CTT’s systems could attract new competitors, or result in the OEM suppliers providing their own solutions. While CTT’s relationships with Airbus and Boeing are highly valuable, they have little influence over pricing and therefore are sensitive to contract renegotiations. Almost all revenues are dollar-based, implying a strong currency sensitivity. The main risks entail a lack of market penetration due to low willingness among airliners to have dehumidifiers and humidifiers installed.