Main shareholders
Below you see the main shareholders of your selected company with data being continuously updated. If the share capital and votes are the same, this means that the company has no disparity between A and B shares.
Main shareholders | Share capital % | Voting shares % | Verified |
Accendo Capital | 15.5 % | 15.5 % | |
Rite Ventures | 9.9 % | 9.9 % | |
Lazard Asset Management | 5.3 % | 5.3 % | |
Humle Fonder | 4.1 % | 4.1 % | |
Nordea Fonder | 3.1 % | 3.1 % | |
Avanza Pension | 2.8 % | 2.8 % | |
Dimensional Fund Advisors | 2.7 % | 2.7 % | |
Bengt Julander | 2.5 % | 2.5 % | |
Theodor Jeansson | 2.2 % | 2.2 % | |
Origo Fonder | 2.1 % | 2.1 % | |