<a id="bm-comp-63b56ca2-4b28-457b-a38f-9e9bab3ef117" name="bm-comp-63b56ca2-4b28-457b-a38f-9e9bab3ef117" class="BMCustomAnchor"></a><table><tr><td bm-component-id="63b56ca2-4b28-457b-a38f-9e9bab3ef117" style="vertical-align: top; width:100.000000%;"><ul><li>All share offer of SEK 58.7/sh accepted, delisting approved</li><li>More about Tethys and the offer</li></ul></td></tr></table><a id="bm-comp-a1293462-23d4-45df-a14b-385a4038e3b7" name="bm-comp-a1293462-23d4-45df-a14b-385a4038e3b7" class="BMCustomAnchor"></a><table><tr><td bm-component-id="a1293462-23d4-45df-a14b-385a4038e3b7" style="vertical-align: top; width:100.000000%;"><h3 class="bm-h3">All share offer of SEK 58.7/sh accepted, delisting approved</h3><p>Roc Oil Company Pty Limited (ROC) announced a <u><a href="https://abg-portal.bluematrix.com/report/52be4a3e-3b6d-49ef-8e91-d031734404c7" target="_blank">public cash offer on 13 September 2024</a></u>, to acquire all shares in Tethys Oil at SEK 58.7/sh. On 18 December 2024, ROC declared that they had secured 89.98% ownership, or 90.003% including additional shares acquired outside the offer. Settlement of the offer occurred on 23 December 2024, and ROC plans to initiate a compulsory redemption of remaining shares and has requested Tethys Oil's board to apply for delisting from Nasdaq Stockholm (now approved). The last trading day for Tethys Oil shares on Nasdaq Stockholm will be 10 January 2025.</p><h3 class="bm-h3">Read our latest reports here for more information on Tethys Oil and the offer:</h3><ul><li>Offer fast comment (13 September 2024): <u><a href="https://abg-portal.bluematrix.com/report/52be4a3e-3b6d-49ef-8e91-d031734404c7" target="_blank">All share offer at SEK 58.7/sh</a></u></li><li>Q3 review (6 November 2024): <u><a href="https://abg-portal.bluematrix.com/report/39cce359-d046-4083-bb87-eba753b4a7fd" target="_blank">End of acceptance period approaching</a></u></li></ul></td></tr></table>
Tethys Oil - ROC ownership >90%, last day of trading: 10 January
07 januari 2025