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North Media

New Chairman of North Media A/s to be appointed

18:57 / 10 February 2021 North Media Press release

Company announcement no. 02-2021
10 February 2021

Proposal to a new constitution of the Board of Directors after the upcoming Annual General Meeting to be held on Friday, 26 March 2021.

The Board of Directors recommends that the current Board members Mads Dahl Møberg Andersen, Richard Bunck, Ole Borch, Thomas Weikop, Ulrik Falkner Thagesen and Ulrik Holsted-Sandgreen all be re-elected at the general meeting. In addition, the Board recommends that Ann-Sofie Østberg Bjergby be elected as a new member of the Board of Directors.

The Board recommends that Ole Borch be elected new Chairman after the general meeting and that Richard Bunck be re-elected as Vice-Chairman. Mads Dahl Møberg Andersen will continue to serve on the Board of Directors.

Richard Bunck comments on the reasons for electing a new chairman:

“The proposal is based on my thoughts on how North Media A/S should be owned and run when I will eventually no longer serve on the Board. Britt, my wife, and I have decided to bequeathe our shares in North Media A/S to a foundation that will retain the current long-term and strategic direction of the company for many years to come.

Preparing and eventually completing the process of our shares in North Media A/S coming under foundation ownership makes it relevant to implement changes to the Board of Directors of North Media A/S. In that context, I believe that the chairman of North Media A/S should be someone with a profile and experience that is different from that of Mads Dahl Møberg Andersen.

Mads and I have worked closely together since 1995. He has made a valuable contribution to the company, and I would like to thank him for that. I am pleased that Mads will continue to serve on the Board, so we can still benefit from his many competencies.

I have known Ole Borch for many years. He has long-standing and comprehensive board experience. I believe his approach to governance and to developing and running a business will provide new insights to North Media A/S. I am therefore confident that Ole is the right person to prepare North Media A/S for the coming changes,” said Richard Bunck.

Mads Dahl Møberg Andersen comments on the change to the chairmanship:

“I have been part of the Executive Board and the Board of Directors of North Media A/S since 1995. It has been a fantastic journey, and I have been involved in virtually every aspect of governance, most of it with a successful outcome.

During the past three years, while I have served as Board chairman, we have prepared North Media A/S for growth, and I think our company stands more fine-tuned now than any time since the late 1990s. Our strategies are in place, our management is extremely motivated and, as explained in the annual report, we anticipate positive developments in the years ahead.

The type of ownership we will be preparing for requires different experience in the chairman position, so I will proudly pass the baton to Ole Borch. On my part, I plan to add to my board experience by accepting board positions with other companies, and I’m very happy to be able to continue contributing as a board member of North Media A/S.” 

Information about the background and qualifications of the candidates being recommended for re-election  is available at Information about Ann-Sofie Østberg Bjergby’s background and competences will be made available in connection with the notice convening the annual general meeting, which will be distributed not later than on Thursday, 4 March 2021.

Please direct any questions concerning this announcement to:

Mads Dahl Andersen, Chairman of the Board of Directors, +45 20 42 09 85
Ole Borch, Member of the Board of Directors, +45 25 18 35 45

This document is an unofficial translation of the Danish original. In the event of any inconsistencies, the Danish version shall apply.


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