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North Media

North Media

North Media A/S has completed the share buy-back programme 2019

19:34 / 3 April 2019 North Media Press release

Company announcement no 09-19

3 April 2019

As announced in company announcement no 02-19, North Media has launched a share buy-back programme with Danske Bank as lead manager.

In continuation thereof, North Media states that Danske Bank has provided information that, at 3 April 2019, Danske Bank has acquired 500,000 shares in North Media at an average share price of DKK 38.72 per share and a total price of DKK 19,361,000.

This means that the share buy-back programme has now been completed.

The acquisition by Danske Bank is equivalent to 2.49 % of the North Media share capital. Consequently, North Media’s holding of treasury shares at 3 April 2019 accounts for 7.98 % of the share capital.

This document is an official translation of the Danish original. I the event of any inconsistencies, the Danish version shall apply.



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