Ferronordic's interim report for the second quarter 2022 will be published on 17 August 2022 at 07:30 CET. A presentation of the report will be held the same day at 10:00 CET.
Ferronordic's interim report for the second quarter 2022 will be published on 17 August 2022 at 07.30 CET and will be accessible at www.ferronordic.com. Ferronordic invites investors, analysts and the media to a presentation where Lars Corneliusson, CEO, and Erik Danemar, CFO, comment on the report. The presentation will be held on 17 August 2022 at 10:00 CET and can be followed via telephone conference or audiocast.
The presentation will be held in English and will be followed by a questions and answers session. Questions
can be asked via the telephone conference or in written form via the audiocast. No preregistration is required.
To participate via telephone, please dial-in no later than five minutes prior to the announced time.
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The presentation can also be viewed live at: https://tv.streamfabriken.com/ferronordic-q2-2022
Afterwards, a recording of the presentation will be available at the same page.
About Ferronordic
Ferronordic is a service and sales company in the areas of construction equipment and trucks. It is the dealer of Volvo Construction Equipment, Sandvik Rock Processing Solutions and certain other brands in all of Russia and Kazakhstan, aftermarket partner of Volvo Trucks and Renault Trucks in part of Russia, and dealer of Volvo Trucks and Renault Trucks in part of Germany. The company also offers contracting services where it owns and operates equipment to carry out works for customers. Ferronordic began its operations in 2010 and now has approx. 100 outlets and approx. 1,800 employees. Ferronordic's vision is to be regarded as the leading service and sales company in its markets. The shares in Ferronordic AB (publ) are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm. http://www.ferronordic.com/
This information was distributed by Cision http://www.cisionwire.se/