Ework Group AB: Karin Schreil takes office as CEO of Ework Group
Today, Karin Schreil takes office as CEO of Ework Group. She succeeds Zoran Covic, who will remain as an advisor to the company's management for a...
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Today, Karin Schreil takes office as CEO of Ework Group. She succeeds Zoran Covic, who will remain as an advisor to the company's management for a...
Eworks årsstämma kommer att hållas måndagen den 2 maj 2022 i Stockholm. Valberedningen är utsedd i enlighet med de riktlinjer som beslutades på Ew...
"Ework is reporting its best quarter ever, on a really strong consultant market. The revenue and profitability trend remains positive, and with ov...
Ework Group AB (publ) bjuder härmed in investerare, analytiker och media till en presentation av bolagets delårsrapport för tredje kvartalet 2021 ...
"Ework is reporting its best second quarter ever after a vigorous recovery on the consulting market. The positive revenue and profitability trend ...
The Board of Directors of Ework Group AB has appointed Karin Schreil as the new CEO of Ework Group. She joins Ework from TietoEvry, where she is M...
Zoran Covic has announced to the Board of Ework Group AB (publ) that he, after nine years with the group of which seven as CEO, wishes to resign f...
Ework Group AB (publ) har idag den 28 april 2021 hållit årsstämma som bl.a. valde styrelse, fastställde resultat- och balansräkningar för 2020, oc...
"Ework started 2021 by continuing its pronounced recovery in the first quarter. Positive sales performance, reduced expenses and greater efficienc...
Ework Group AB (publ) bjuder härmed in investerare, analytiker och media till en presentation av bolagets delårsrapport för första kvartalet 2021....
Härmed offentliggörs årsredovisning 2020 för Ework Group AB (publ). Hela årsredovisningen finns i bifogad PDF.
Information om årsstämma 2020 ...
Aktieägarna i Ework Group AB (publ), org. nr 556587-8708, ("Ework" eller "Bolaget") kallas härmed till årsstämma onsdagen den 28 april 2021 klocka...
Companies want to extend their payments - and consultants want to get paid as fast as possible. Consultant supplier Ework is now set to relaunch i...
Flaggningsmeddelande i Ework Group AB
Anmälan om förvärv eller överlåtelse av finansiella instrument.
"We're proud to report a fourth quarter with continued recovery. Thanks to our employees' efforts, resolute cost reductions and our digital offeri...
Ework Group AB (publ) bjuder härmed in investerare, analytiker och media till en presentation av bolagets bokslutskommuniké och delårsrapport för ...
Ework Group AB (publ) har idag den 27 januari 2021 hållit extra bolagsstämma som valde ny styrelseledamot (fyllnadsval) och beslutade om vinstutde...
Flaggningsmeddelande i Ework Group AB
Anmälan om förvärv eller överlåtelse av finansiella instrument.