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StrongPoint ASA: Nøkkelinformasjon for foreslått kontantutbytte for StrongPoint ASA

15:45 / 28 March 2019 StrongPoint Press release

Utbyttebeløp: NOK 0,55 per aksje
Annonsert valuta: NOK
Siste dag inklusive: 26. april 2019
Ex-dato: 29. april 2019
Record date (eierregisterdato): 30. april 2019
Betalingsdato: 10. mai 2019
Vedtaksdato: 26. april 2019

Denne informasjonen offentliggjøres i henhold til kravene i Løpende forpliktelser.

Denne opplysningen er informasjonspliktig etter verdipapirhandelloven §5-12

This announcement is distributed by West Corporation on behalf of West Corporation clients.
The issuer of this announcement warrants that they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and originality of the information contained therein.
Source: StrongPoint ASA via Globenewswire


This information was distributed by GlobeNewswire